About our Programme Work
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Youth Work Ireland Programmes
Youth Work Ireland’s suite of programmes provide young people with an array of supports including mental health, resilience building, anxiety programmes, drug and alcohol supports, LGBT+ youth work, club development, employability programmes, counselling services and out reach work. The programmes provide a safe space for young people to be supported in areas they require, develop skills, gain new experiences and build self confidence in a way they may not have the chance to do in a formal education setting.

Access and Inclusion
Youth services are safe spaces for all young people irrespective of their abilities or disabilities. Youth work is a planned programme of informal education designed with and for young people to support their personal and social development. Youth work services are provided by voluntary organisations and supported by professional staff and trained volunteers. We welcome all young people into our services and can provide supports to enable the full participation of young people with physical disabilities.
Climate Justice
The challenge of climate change is a decisive one for the world and it is young people who have been at the fore in the fight for climate action. We have seen thousands of young people across the globe take part in schools strikes and protests to urge decision makers to take the issue seriously and respond quickly. Granted, these issues are difficult, but the evidence is clear – time is running out! The world is on track towards global temperature increases way above safe levels and we need action and increased awareness about climate change now.

Detached Programme
The Detached Youth Work Programme is an outreach programme that engages with vulnerable and socially excluded young people and helps them connect with supports that will aid them in addressing their needs and achieves successful outcomes. While the target population for this programme may have needs in relation to issues as diverse as mental health, sexual health, and homelessness, most young people engaged struggle with substance misuse.
Employment Initiative
Although Ireland has reached near full employment, challenges remain for employers and vulnerable young people in our society. The gap between both groups is widening, making the unemployment of young people who are distant from the labour market a critical social issue in Ireland.

Irish Youth Music Awards
The IYMAs is an all island youth music educational programme running for over 13 years targeting teenagers aged between twelve to nineteen in youth clubs and projects across the island. We provide teenagers engaged in the programme with personal development, employability skills, career and educational support via creative hands-on Music-based Education which includes industry workshops, creative collaborative activity based tasks, performance opportunities and college bursaries through our network of hubs.
LGBTI Youth Work
Youth Work Ireland and its Member Youth Services provide direct youth work supports and services to LGBTI+ young people throught our Proud Spaces Model of Practice. This way of working with young LGBTQI+ people ensures they have access to safe spaces where they can hang out with their peers in a safe environment where they can meet, relax, talk, listen to music, and participate in games and organised social and educational activities, supported by trained and professional youth practitioners.

Mental Health
In 2016 Youth Work Ireland launched Be Well: A Support Pack for Young People to Identify and Address Anxiety. The pack was launched by Youth Work Ireland’s Wellbeing Squad of young people at the Irish Youth Music Awards National Day in the Aviva Stadium and was part of Youth Work Ireland’s year-long campaign on mental health Well Being 2016. Be Well can be delivered as a 90-minute face-to-face session or as a 60-minute online session.
Our Generation
Our Generation Project is a three-year project running from December 2022 which engages 36,000 children, young people and their key contacts. The project is delivered in education, youth and community settings and in the urban village areas of Northern Ireland and the Border Region of Northern Ireland and Ireland. Our Generation is a cross border partnership of 7 regional organisations, led by Action Mental Health in partnership with Donegal Youth Service, Co-Operation Ireland, Youth Action NI, Youth Work Ireland, PlayBoard NI & Ulster University.

Peace IV
Youth Work Ireland is involved in two project streams of the programme alongside several other youth organisations these are Youth Network For Peace and Amplify. Youth Network For Peace partners include thirteen partners from north and south of the island of Ireland including Youth Action Northern Ireland as lead partner. Amplify partners include Youth Action Northern Ireland, Youth Work Ireland, Foróige, Northern Ireland Youth Forum and Patrician Youth Centre.
Sexual Health and Postive Relations
Youth Work Ireland Member has developed a number of resources and trainings to support young people and youth workers to response to issues of sexual health, healthly relationships, consent and understanding gender, power and violence. Packs include the YES Project, our Positive Sexual Health campaign and conference, and the Stand UPP – Speak Out Against GBV Pack

Young Refugees
Youth workers from Youth Work Ireland’s Member Youth Services have been working to support young refugees for many years. Their engagement has included both traditional youth work services; and supports that go far beyond the remit of funding requirements and youth work provision. In our work we take a human rights approach and continue to challenge discrimination and inequality to ensure these young people feel included and valued in their new communities.
Young Travellers
Youth Work Ireland Member Youth Services around the country play an important role in making links to young Travellers. Our services work in partnership with other groups on policy priorities identified by young Travellers to support youth service development towards improved practice and in understanding the barriers young Travellers face in accessing youth work services.