Stand UPP Speak Out Against GBV

A Youth Work Programme to Understand Power and Prevention in Gender Based Violence


To mark the start of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Youth Work Ireland is launching Stand UPP, Speak Out, A youth work programme to Understand Power & Prevention in Gender Based Violence

The new pack, developed by Dr Sue Redmond, was created as a response to issues of understanding gender, power and violence which have arisen in the work Youth Work Ireland and its members do with young people across Ireland. The pack helps young people to understand gender, power and prevention of violence through youth work activities and games. 

The YES Project

The Yes Project is a Europe wide initiative to provide young people with empowering sexual health and reproductive education in a community setting. The YES Project was initially developed as part of an Erasmus+ funded programme with ECYC (European Confederation of Youth Clubs) and LOGO Jugendmanagement. The YES Programme develops the capacity of youth organisations and youth workers to deliver SRE to young people. This project is based on the need identified by Youth Work Ireland through a consultation with young people in Spring 2018, for young people to be involved in the development of a resource to support their learning around health and safety issues related to their sexual health.

The YES Project will consist of 3 one-hour sessions focusing on one topic with the aim of supporting youth workers and educators in their practice.

Sexuality Identity and Healthy Relationships

This session will enable participants to get to know each other, settle into a group work process, and understand the contents of the programme. This session also sets the scene for group behaviour by establishing a group contract so that participants feel safe discussing sensitive topics; it also ensures that participants are clear about respecting one another.

Communicating Consent

This session enables participants to explore what consent means. It will help the participants to develop their language around consent so that they can better communicate their consent and respect the consent and non-consent of others. The session will explore boundaries through role-play to enable participants to develop the skills of communicating their consent. Participants will also have the opportunity to practice developing appropriate responses for when consent is given or not given.

Wider Influences and Decision Making

This session enables the participants to explore wider influences on their sexual decision making. Through exploration of the impact of peers, family, culture, and media, participants will be supported to raise their awareness of how these shape their personal choices when it comes to sexual decision making. Participants will gain an understanding of how their decision making works and will include logic and reasoning as well as gut-based / emotion-based decision making. Participants will have the opportunity to connect with their future selves and connect with the types of decisions and choices they can make that align them with their vision of themselves.

Our Generation


The YES project is currently being delivered to young people in border counties as part of the Our Generation programme. If you are interested in the Our Generation Team directly delivering YES to a group of young people you are working with then please email us at

Talking About Sexual Health – Toolkit for Youth Workers

Opening safe conversation with young people about their sexual health is an important part of a youth worker’s role. To ensure youth workers and volunteers are supported to have these conversations with confidence and effectiveness, Youth Work Ireland is adapting a proven tool for supporting good practice in this area. This tool – Talking About Sexual Health Resource is a resource for youth workers to facilitate conversations with young people about sexual Health.