Youth Work Ireland Week

Youth Work Ireland Week 2025

Youth Work Ireland Week is a chance for us to celebrate and promote the range and quality of youth work activities that take place each week across youth services in Ireland.

We are excited to announce the date for Youth Work Ireland Week 2025 is Saturday April 5th – Saturday April 12th.

Each year we use the week to shine a light on an aspect of youth work that young people and youth workers say is important to them. This year we will use the week to continue to promote and advocate for our Youth Work for All national campaign. This campaign is highlighting the vital importance and relevance of youth work to achieving positive outcomes for young people and local communities, and calls on government to properly fund and resource our essential services. 

During Youth Work Ireland Week we will hear from young people, youth workers and volunteers about how youth work has postively impacted their lives and communities. 

More information to follow…

Youth Work Ireland Week 2024

Youth Work Ireland Week 2024 takes place on Saturday April 13th – Saturday April 20th.

This year Youth Work Ireland Week will explore ideas around what makes us human, and what connects us to each other, irrespective of where we are from in the world, what our religious, or ethnic beliefs are or what race we belong to. In the end we all belong to one race – the human race. It is the unity in our diversity that makes us strong and our kindness that makes us stronger.

Check out the national schedule of events taking place during Youth Work Ireland Week 2024>>
“ní neart go cur le chéile” / There is no strength without unity” Michael D. Higgins

Cut from the Same Cloth

The Youth Work Ireland Week Activity Pack ‘Cut from the Same Cloth’ will support workers and volunteers to discuss and explore themes of oneness, connection, diversity and what makes us human with young people through fun and creative ways in youth work settings. This year we are taking inspiration from Michael D. Higgins to build an active citizenship based on participation, equality, unity and respect for all. The pack contains sessions and suggested activities so young people can increase their knowledge and understanding of a shared humanity, and what our obligations and expectations are in relation to building a better, more prosperous, more united, more just and equal world. 


European Youth Week 2024

This year Youth Work Ireland Week will run alongside European Youth Week which takes place from April 12th –  April 19th under the slogan ‘Voice Your Vision’. The week will celebrate and encourage young people to get involved in youth engagement in democracy to promote integration and unity across the European Union.

Youth services running activities around the themes of integration, interculturalism and civic engagement can upload details of the events to the European Youth Week portal here>>

Youth Work Ireland Week 2023

Local Heroes… Our Local Volunteers

Youth Work Ireland Week 2023 taks place from Saturday April 1st – Saturday April 8th and will see hundreds of events and activities taking place across Youth Work Ireland Member Youth Services. The week is a chance for us to celebrate and promote the work local youth services do in communities around Ireland. Throughout the week young people will take part in events and activities that promote, evidence and celebrate youth work and achieve positive outcomes. This year we will be celebrating and recognising the fantastic contribution volunteers make to youth clubs and services with a national campaign #LocalHeroes rolling out across our Member Youth Services. 

Youth Work Ireland Week 2022

The Feel-Good Activity Pack

Youth Work Ireland Week is celebrating Youth Work Ireland Week 2022 with the launch of a brand new activity pack for youth clubs  – The Feel Good Activity Pack

This pack was developed in response to an articulated need by our Member Youth Services and through consultations with young people, youth workers and volunteers. It is jam packed with fun activities, games and crafts youth clubs and groups can take part in.

The Pack was developed with and for young people and youth workers and the topics and activities in the pack were identified by young people and youth leaders as the issues and areas of most interest and relevance to them. The pack will be distributed to youth clubs around Ireland during Youth Work Ireland Week which takes place from April 9th – April 16th. We hope that those who volunteer to support our clubs, will find The Feel-Good Activity pack an inspiration, a valuable source of ideas and a comprehensive menu of pursuits which will enhance the youth club experience in their communities.


Youth Work Outdoors 2021

During COVID-19 we spent too much time indoors, on screens, separated from each other and generally interacting online. Getting back outdoors and reconnecting with each other in a safe physical way was hugely important for young people’s sense of connectedness and mental / physical health. The hard work and passion of youth workers in supporting young people during Covid was evidenced by the variety of innovative and creative work which brought traditional youth work activities and events into outdoors settings. This was the focus of Youth Work Ireland Week 2021.

In 2020 to support youth workers and volunteers to get back to safely meeting and doing outdoor activities with young people, we developed a new resource which will ensure that this work can be done creatively and safely whilst adhering to Government Covid Guidelines. #getbackintothatday


Youth Work Ireland Week 2020 Activity Pack #myplanetmypledge

As part of Youth Work Ireland’s Consensus Process 2019, young people told us that the environment and climate change was a key issue they wanted to learn more about and campaign for change on. At the moment it is young people who are leading the way in terms of activism and bringing attention to the need to combat climate change. Through demonstrations and protests they are challenging Government and decision makers to act now to ensure the environment is protected for all generations. 

The Youth Work Ireland Week #MyPlanetMyPledge Activity & Resource Pack was designed to be flexible, with workers and volunteers able to select individual activities to suit their group and time. The activities can be done without too much preparation or materials, be delivered by both youth workers and volunteers and will support young people to learn skills, reflect on their personal choices and develop the knowledge they need to become advocates for the environment. The last activity in the pack asks young people to commit to one pledge they will make in their own lives to help create a better world for all.

Youth Work Ireland Week 2019

National Activity Pack

Youth Work Ireland Week is also an opportunity for young people to express their ideas and views on a certain topic or issue that affect their lives. In 2019 we were inspired by the slogan ‘youthworkworks’ and developed an activity ‘Pieces of the Puzzle’ which supported young people to celebrate and name the positive outcomes they gain from being part of a youth club, particularly around issues of identity, self-expression and confidence. The ‘Pieces of the Puzzle’ activity was inspired by The Puzzle Art Installation and Collaborative Project originally created by the New York artist Tim Kelly and is a creative way to have individual voice collectively heard. It is a simple way for each of us to tell our own story and will give young people a sense of being part of something bigger than their local club. 

Youth Work Ireland Week 2018

Youth Work Ireland Week 2018 took place from Saturday April 21st-28th and focused on the topic of Sexual Health. Throughout the week youth services created a space for young people to have their voices heard on this issue. We ran a national consultation to support young people to understand their sexuality, develop a positive view of sexuality and guide their decision making and behaviour in a health way. From these consultation young people will identify the main issues they want to LEARN MORE about, BE HEARD on & HAVE INFLUENCE on in relation to sexual health.

Youth Work Ireland Week 2017

In 2017 we promoted the contribution youth and community work make to equality for young people in Ireland. Through focusing on Equality, we promoted actions and initiatives among young people, in Irish society and within our own organisation that support and build equality. During Youth Work Ireland Week thousands of young people from across Ireland took part in an arts based activity which shared their stories of what it is to be equal in Ireland in 2017 – Stories of Equality. This activity created a shared understanding of equality, and helped raise awareness of equality challenges young people face in Ireland. 

Stories of Equality Activity>>