#BringingPrideHome for 500 LGBTI+ Young People in Lockdown

PRESS RELEASE Tuesday 23rd June, 2020 Youth Work Ireland and BeLonG To Youth Services partner on #BringingPrideHome campaign for LGBTI+ youth across Ireland. Some 500 LGBTI+ young people are set to receive a Pride Self-Care Pack to keep the spirit of Pride alive while remaining socially distant as the annual Dublin Pride parade is moved … Read more


Youth Work Ireland have launched a new fundraising campaign to support young LGBTI+ people impacted by digital poverty, stay connected to vital supports. Youth Work Ireland has launched the #GivetheGiftofPride campaign, to raise funds to support vulnerable young LGBTI+ people impacted by digital poverty. Throughout Pride Month, people are asked to make a once-off €20 donation to provide phone … Read more

Massive Youth Unemployment Shock will Require Major Response in post Covid World

Press Release 3rd June 2020 “Massive Youth Unemployment Shock will Require Major Response in post Covid World” says Leading Youth Organisation Youth Work Ireland has said that the revelation that about half of all under 24’s are unemployed means there will be a need for a major youth unemployment initiative after the virus has been … Read more

Youth Work Ireland – Lockdown Transition

Youth Work Ireland – Lockdown Transition Statement Youth Work Ireland Local Member Youth Services are pleased to announce the release of a national roadmap for the transition of our work from its current mostly virtual state back to our usual physical, in-person services. Since March 12th, Youth Work Ireland Member Services have successfully managed the … Read more

YWI Week 2020

Youth Work Ireland Week 2020 was due to take place from May 9th – May 16th, but was put on hold given the #COVID19 outbreak…. however… as our clubs and projects have quickly adapted to new and innovative ways of working online, we will be re-creating and re-adapting Youth Work Ireland Week activities from years past for youth clubs and … Read more

First Online Irish Youth Chat Service Launched

Press Release Youth Information Partnership April 14th, 2020 First Online Irish Youth Chat Service Launched – Organisations Accelerate Initiative in Light of Current Crisis Four leading Irish youth organisations have today formally launched a new unique online youth chat system called the Digital Youth Information Chat Service. The Youth Information Online chat service is the … Read more

Youth Services and Covid 19

Youth Work Ireland Member Youth Services are working together to ensure young people are support during this time of crisis. These are challenging times that require everyone to be creative, adaptable and united. Young people may find themselves struggling with isolation, schoolwork, boredom and lack of self-motivation. Struggles like these can impact on their well-being and … Read more

My Planet My Pledge

During Youth Work Ireland’s Consensus Process 2019, young people told us that the environment and climate change were key issues they wanted to learn more about and campaign for change on. Currently it is young people who are leading the way in highlightening the need to combat climate change, and acting to ensure the environment is protected for … Read more

Tipperary Refugee Resettlement Programme

What is the Refugee Resettlement Programme? In February Youth Work Ireland Tipperary launched the Refugee Resettlement Programme in North and South Tipperary. The Programme works with newly arrived Syrian refugee families to the county. A number of Syrian families are currently living in reception centres across the country, but will be rehoused in communities across Ireland as … Read more