
FDYS LGBTI Youth Strategy

FDYS have run an LGBTI+ youth group in Wexford for the last seven years. It has evolved into a youth group that was initially separate and distinct to a group which is now integrated within the senior youth café in the Cloisters Youth Space.

The FDYS LGBTI+ Youth Strategy has been developed from consultations, workshops and discussions with young LGBTI+ people in Wexford and sets out Five main objectives

  • Expand and develop supports to parents and families of LGBTI+ young people
  • Respond effectively to the mental health needs of young LGBTI+ young people
  • Provide capacity building measures to service providers to improve their understanding of and ability to engage with young LGBTI+ people.
  • Strengthen sexual health services and education to respond to the needs of LGBTI+ young people
  • Support the creation of supportive and inclusive environments for LGBTI+ young people in formal education settings.

The full document can be downloaded here>>